Sunday, August 26, 2012

Forever in Transition

Once again my work environment is in transition. I am "losing" four of the kids in my class as they are moving up to the oldest toddler classroom. I will still see them throughout the day, but I will certainly miss having them in my room. Three will be staying with us, and we gain two from the "waddlers." That brings us to a grand total of 5, for the moment.

In addition to the shift in children, there is also a change with the adults in our room. There will be a couple that are switching classrooms, and I will now be sharing lead teacher responsibilities with one other adult in my room. So everyone is in transition in one way or another. It never seems to stop, but then again, that always leaves something new to experience.

We finally broke in our apartment...and the dining room table...with some guests this past weekend. Aside from the weather making it feel like a sauna up here, I'd say it was a successful evening. Also, I received my first paycheck since June 2011 on Friday. I did a celebratory dance all the way to the bank...and then promptly paid my rent and utilities, which means I can't wait for the next one. :D

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Pain of Moving

Nothing has been more of a pain in the butt for me in the past 5 years than moving. Since graduating from high school, I have not lived in the same space for more than a year at a time. Granted, I have always had something new to look forward to, but things would just start to feel like home to me when I had to pack up and do it all over again. This move is number 8 for me since August of 2007.

I am not very good at labeling boxes or containers so that I know what is in them when I go through to unpack, so that's the #1 pain for me. I just stick things in whatever box it fits in. Then when I go to unpack, I have no clue where anything is. And then there's the thought that "oh, I might find that I need what's in this box at some point, so let's just leave it out in the open." Cue me running into it or tripping over it every time I went to get something out of the cupboard above it. And with stuff all over the place, it's kind of hard to feel comfortable and at home in your own house.

So this past weekend we finally dug into the rest of our boxes, taking out things that we know we will use, and leaving the rest in storage for now. Most of the boxes are now in the basement or up in the attic. We finally re-discovered the dining room table that was apparently in our place for the past two weeks... This place is finally starting to feel a little like home. But still, something feels like it's missing.

In other news, I have officially been living in Erie for one year now. I moved here August 20, 2011. It's so weird to think that a year has gone by so quickly. It just doesn't seem possible. But I am happy to call Erie my home :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A New Beginning

So, it's been about two weeks since my last post as a Riepper, and quite a bit has occurred since then. I have since spent some time with my family, moved into my new place and have been back at work for a week now. Well, moved in, not unpacked. There is a distinct difference. It'll get there.

This new transition has been an adjustment, that's for sure. It's odd to go from living with 60+ women to living with just one other person, but it definitely has its perks. I like having my own place to decorate and re-arrange. It's fun to plan meals and cook for ourselves again, though I'm sure that will wear off after a while. I'll tell you what I didn't miss, however: hand-washing dishes 2-3 times each day. Yeah, no. Put me on a week-long dish team every 5-6 weeks any day.

This morning we made our way to the Mount for liturgy. It was our first time back in two weeks, and it reminded me of how much I really do miss being there. It did feel different, though. I know that I will always have a home there, but to have it set in that it's not where I physically live anymore was a bit of a shock to my system, and when I think about it, it still makes me tear up a little. It's not something you get over very easily right away. But as I've said before, living right around the corner and working for the sisters makes the transition a little easier for everyone involved.

So this new blog will be about my life post-Benedicta Riepp and beyond. I still have links to my other blog: One Year at the Mount, Carrie's blog: A Year in the Life, Sister Susan's blog: Light through Stained-Glass Windows, plus links to the Erie Benedictine's website and the Benedicta Riepp Program page on the sidebar of this blog, so check them out from time to time. I will do my best to keep this blog up with weekly happenings in my life, and I hope it's interesting enough!! For now, I leave you with some yummy food creations of the past week.

Cheese & wine. I'm well aware it's probably not the correct pairing of the two, but I don't care. It's cheese & wine.