Sunday, March 17, 2013

Back At It

Well, let's see....

I think it's been almost 3 months since I've posted anything on here. Truth is, I ran out of things to write about. So where am I now?

Still in Erie.
More than halfway through my first semester of graduate school, and doing pretty well.
Still working at the Child Development Center with the sisters.
On Thursday afternoons I am at Gannondale for my internship/field placement.
Social life still a little slow, but school work consumes most of my nights now!

That's a little update on me.

I've been trying to figure out what to do to spice up this blog a little bit. One hobby of mine is photography, and I need to pick that up again. So I'm hoping that might be what I will center this blog on, with a little write up of what's been going on now and then. Sound good?

I'm tired of the cold, so here's a summer scene to enjoy and warm you up!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Advent, Christmas, Snow, the WHOLE Deal!

So it's going on three weeks since my last post. After posting each day of the month of November, I guess my brain was a little shot. I am working on some ideas for the new year because it's about time to shake things up.

After leaving the four weeks leading up to Christmas last year entirely to Advent, I cracked and put up the Christmas tree and other decorations this year on November 25th. It's just what I'm used to. And I was bored that day, and the football game wasn't being shown on television, and, well, what do you want me to say?? One year spent in a monastery couldn't change everything, you know. I did miss not being surrounded by everything, but it was nice to get a little Advent on my Saturday

I didn't make it home for Christmas day this year, but instead spent it with my Benedictine family. I enjoyed it very much, and it filled that spot in my heart that I know I would not be able to fill anywhere else, but I did miss my family back in my hometown. I will be visiting them this weekend. It makes for present suspense!

And the BEST thing happened on Christmas Eve just before the evening service at the Mount. SNOW! Unfortunately it all but disappeared by Christmas morning, but it was pretty while it lasted. Although, the day after Christmas brought at least 6 inches. I like snow. I missed it last year. Had tons of property around me to play in...hardly any snow. Go figure.

Some holiday baking. I did make cutouts, unfortunately there is no photographic evidence.

Our first real snow of the year! The steps, walkway, and sidewalk to the house were all shoveled twice since 5pm. You'd never know.

With the flash so you can see the amount of snow in the air!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pushing Forward

The winter season at work has begun, Advent is here, and I am gearing up to return to my studies by entering graduate school shortly after the new year. It's a lot to take in all at once, but as I've said before, I always welcome change. Sometimes I am more prepared than at other times, but things always work out in their own way.

I think I mentioned before that my classroom dynamic was changing for the winter months. So from now through March I will have an interesting mix of ages and abilities, from discovering their voices and just learning to talk, to that wonderful world of potty training. All in one class. Yup. It's never boring, that's for sure.

The Advent season has begun again, and while I am not surrounded by it like I was last year, I still get my reflection fix Saturday nights with vigil. It's a nice way to center myself at the end of one week and just before the beginning of the next, and it helps me appreciate this time of year.

And last but not least, I am going back to school. After a year and a half away from the books, I'm ready to return and continue with my studies. I will be attending Case Western Reserve University's Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences in Cleveland to study for my Master of Science in Social Administration, which is a really wordy way of saying I am a graduate social work student. The best thing? I don't even have to move to Cleveland. I will be taking classes online. No less legit than sitting in the classroom, mind you. I am really excited and proud of myself. I know it will be a lot of hard work and dedication on my part, but I know I am capable of succeeding.

2 weeks left until Christmas! I should get going on my shopping...

Friday, November 30, 2012


November 30
I am thankful for a strong stomach. Most importantly because of my job. Pretty much nothing phases me: diapers, runny noses...nothing. It comes in handy, a lot.

Speaking of, I had a child get sick on me today...actually ON me. After which she proceeded to say "Sorry, lyssa. On you?" "Yes, sweetie, it got on me..."

Since November has come to an end, I will have to find something to keep me busy with my posts for the month of December. I'll think of something, I'm sure. Stay tuned.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


November 29
I am thankful for the support of others. Whether it be professionally, personally, or whatever, I can always find the support I need in almost any situation. I am certainly blessed in that regard.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


November 28
I am thankful for good health. I have a few health issues that I am on medication for and have been able to get under control, but nothing too serious. I try not to take it for granted. 

Someone help me become motivated to start cooking again, 'cause it's just not there. Eh...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


November 27
I am thankful for new life, in all its forms. There have been quite a few new babies that have been born this past year to some of my co-workers. Every couple of months I meet a new little life, so innocent, so precious, and it makes me wonder what they will bring to this world. It also makes me want one of my own...but don't worry, I'm not that desperate. I can wait.

Monday, November 26, 2012


November 26
I am thankful for change. As hard as it may be at times, it's what keeps life interesting. Every couple of months I have a change in the children in my class, teachers I work with, my social life, etc. It keeps me on my toes.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


November 25
I am thankful for my Benedictine family. I know I say this a lot, but I love them very much. It's the little things that make me tear up, and smile, and realize how important they are to me. Like getting a hug and hearing, "Our little ones returned home!", squeezing in a weekly hug and chat with a certain sister, or hearing "I love you. Thank you for being here." I mean something to them, and they certainly mean something to me. It's a very different relationship from the one I have with the family I grew up with, but no less meaningful.

So I caved and decided it was time to put up the Christmas decorations. I really like having the tree up for a few weeks, it's what I grew up with. But I promise, I will give Advent the attention it deserves :D

The tree! 7ft! There is a Christmas pickle in there somewhere. Can you find it? Also, do you know the story of the Christmas Pickle?? Click Here!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


November 24
I am thankful for family time. I don't get to see them often, so when I do, it's nice to be able to enjoy hanging out together eating dinner, or even watching a movie.

Friday, November 23, 2012


November 23
I am thankful for good relationships. There are some that have just become better with time, and for that, I am so grateful.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


November 22
I am thankful for good food, conversation, and most of all, family.



November 21
I am thankful for innocence and wonder. I sat up at nap time this afternoon with my only East Coast child, because she only naps about an hour. She loves to play with my hair when it's down, have photo shoots with the classroom camera, lets me experiment with her hair, is interested in everything all of the time, and really has an awesome sense of humor for a 2 year old. Today was the last day for East Coast children until April, and I will really miss this funny little girl.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


November 20
I am thankful for happy memories. While cleaning the house tonight I came across several cards and gifts from the apartment blessing we had. I found myself smiling as I went through all of them. I would give anything to have this apartment so full of people like that again. But as I was reminiscing, I could feel them all around.